Fix Docky displaying Linux Mint system settings as bluetooth

The need arose for me to reformat my virtual machine running Linux Mint in order to increase its disk space. This led me to yet again experience the issue of the Linux Mint system settings being incorrectly displayed as “Bluetooth” in Docky. Not remembering how I fixed it the last time, as some time had passed, I desperately asked the Internet to give me a solution. To my surprise, information concerning this issue is very sparse.

24h format in Windows Phone calendar

I am a satisfied owner of a Nokia 925, running Windows Phone 8.1. But one of the things I really disliked, was that I couldn’t get the calendar app to follow the time settings of the regional format I used. My setup at the time was: Phone Language: English (United States) Regional Format: Swedish Keyboard: Swedish Despite the regional format being Swedish, with the 24h time format was not used in the calendar app.

Cron job in cron.d not starting

Imagine the following scenario. I needed to have a cronjob that run a script every fifteen minutes, which I logically would place in the /etc/cron.d/ folder. But as I waited and waited, the script never ran. After some intense googling, I finally found a forum post which contained the solution to my problem. By simply not having an empty newline at the end of my cron job file, it would not run!

Indent with spaces instead of tabs in Emacs

This is one of those things that has bugged for a while, but that I just recently got around to fix. By default, Emacs uses tabs (and spaces) while indenting a line. As tabs aren’t the same in every editor, it will very often look weird when you look at the code. Therefor, having Emacs instead do the indentation with spaces will universally fix it. Just add the following lines to your ~/.

SFML and Eclipse

Giving Eclipse another shot to see if it could replace Netbeans as my IDE for C++, I wanted to see if I could compile the server for my Gaoth project. Since MinGW already was installed, it found and chose it as the default compiler, which was great. It was, however, when I tried to link in SFML that I got into some trouble as it was very unclear of how it should be done.

Dollar sign in terminal examples

If you’ve been looking at examples of terminal commands, you will most likely have seen that there is a dollar ($) sign in front of the actual text. The dollar sign means that you are doing the command as a normal user. The pound (#) sign means that you are doing it as the root user. If you start a terminal as a normal user, you will actually see the dollar sign and the vice versa with the pound sign.

Foobar2000 alternative for Linux

Once you go foobar2000, you never go back. As I am currently trying to use Linux as my main OS, it became a big annoyance that none of the music players in Linux Mint’s repository were anything like foobar2000 in terms of speed, low memory usage and the awesome playlist centric GUI. After scouring the web I finally stumbled upon DeaDBeeF which is pretty much identical to the look and feel of foobar2000.

How to change the format of the gnome-panel clock

Due to my love for the Windows 7 taskbar like applet DockbarX, I’ve found myself installing Linux Mint 11, as it makes use of Gnome 2.32. The goal I had was to have a desktop environment that is similar across the OS’s, as I don’t want to spend time relearning things every time I reboot. One of the first things I noticed when I changed the background color of the gnome-panel to a dark one was that the text of the clock applet became unreadable, as it is set to a black color.

Current status of my thesis

I have now made or partially made parsers for the B3D, X3D and X file formats, which means that I am currently working on my actual thesis. Having only skimmed through the rules earlier, I found out that I need to pretty much be done with the thesis in just a little more than a week. Seeing as my time already was somewhat constrained, this will most likely mean that I won’t be posting anything here for at least 3 weeks or so.

Week 5 update

Since last post I’ve been working on the MD2 and the X3D file formats. The MD2 format is a really neat, compact format designed for speed and ease of use, which made the implementation really easy. It was, however, not that trivial to extract the contents of the file. Seeing as I prefer not to a quick and dirty hack all the time, I wanted to make a binary reader which could read from little and big endian based formats and translate the contents into the format that the system uses.